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History 750x450

History of the Carpet

Oriental rugs have been, for centuries, an excellent example of the current cultural currents between Eastern and Western civilizations which no international rivalry or historical battle could stop. Armed men by sea and land. From the Bosphorus to the Pyrenees (France-Spain) from time to time and with different success each time, they played a tough […]

VERSUS 751 – 19 Black-Lead

The carpet as a work of art

KNOWLEDGE and INSTINCT led some archaeologists to discover the world’s first carpet. KNOWLEDGE AND INSTINCT lead us to discover authentic carpets. Return with us to the logic of affordable authenticity. Turn through us in time, each knot solves the riddle. Each knot ties you tighter with an immortal masterpiece. Get to know the charm of […]


Keep your carpet new forever !!!

Many people consider a rug to be too valuable to be on the floor, they are wrong. Besides, let’s not forget their traditional use. The nomadic Asians, who were the first to make carpets, used them in winter and summer to dress their tents inside, laying them directly on the ground. In conditions much harsher […]


Carpets! Their value is priceless, their price is not !!!

In the past, to get a rug, you wanted a small fortune. The carpets of BESTCARPET.GR, apart from their incomparable art, will surprise you for something else. THEIR AFFORDABLE PRICE. But they do give you the opportunity to make a real investment. Firstly, because as they get older, their value grows (HANDMADE CARPETS). Secondly, because […]


For each carpet the time is measured in knots

In the mountains of East Asia where carpets are born, life has different values ​​and a different rhythm. The creator of a rug will provide the precious materials, fine wool – silk, will study the intricate designs, will choose the colors. He will start, building knot knot another unique work of art tying about 8,000 […]


Caring for and maintaining the carpet

Your carpet should never forget that it is a work of art has a value and very often not small. Its acquisition has given you great joy and you must keep this joy for a long time. Joy and pride as you will live with him in your space. Of course, in order to maintain […]
